white cross hungary White Cross – Hungary Bilingual Education Support

This White Cross project will provide a high-quality bilingual program in Téglás, Hungary.

Congo – Educating Pygmy Children

This project will provide 75-100 Pygmy children a chance for a better future.

Congo – Bibles For Literacy Teachers

You can help provide hundreds of Bibles to literacy teachers in Congo.

Latin America – Mini Libraries For Talita Cumi Girls Clubs

This project will provide 3,800 Spanish books of various reading levels at 50 Talita Cumi Girls Clubs in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico and Nicaragua.

Dominican Republic – River of Life Baptist Church

This project seeks to raise $46,000 in order to reconstruct the River of Life Baptist Church in the Dominican Republic after a devastating fire.

Mexico – Multipurpose Center for Migrants

This project seeks to rent and furnish a multipurpose center that provides services to help migrants build a new life in Tijuana.