J.D. works with IM partners and global servants to help train pastors and church leaders throughout the region. Rhonda is a nurse (BSN) who oversees the House of Hope (Proyectos Esperanza) in the cities of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. House of Hope encompasses an array of health and development ministries led by local churches focusing on urban ministries to families and at-risk women and children.
Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders. Their goals are to reduce Congo’s maternal and child mortality rates by developing solutions to common health problems using cooperation, local resources and the Word of God.
The Rev. Ivy and Emerson work with their IM area director, Ben Chan, to establish a network of global Chinese churches and Christian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through which the network members will develop and implement common strategic missions, including those from the IM’s strategic planning process, Responding to the Call. Ivy and Emerson also represent IM in relating to church and NGO partners in Hong Kong.
Dr. William Clemmer, who is leading the IMA World Health Ebola response in the region, visited the hospital shortly after the attack and talked to staff, who expressed fear and discouragement.
“Please continue to pray for our country. According to Government sources more than 350 people are dead, out of these about 30 are foreigners, nearly 500 people are injured. Please uphold these families. Nine explosions occurred in eight places. We need God’s special intervention at this moment; especially that people will stay calm and quiet at this hour.
Glen and Rita have been instrumental in transforming the Kikongo pastoral training school into the Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC). Glen is vice-rector of UNIBAC, where he teaches Old Testament, Hebrew and Baptist history. Rita runs the library, teaches English and works with the wives of theology students. Rita and Glen both are very much immersed in the life of the community and the church through village ministry, transportation and environmental ministries such as beekeeping, raising rabbits for agricultural training and planting trees for reforestation, lumber, firewood, charcoal and fruit.