Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles ministering in Evangelism, Health and Wellness and Economic Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders. She also coordinates White Cross efforts and support for the network of Baptist hospitals and health centers in the Congo.

Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti ministering in discipleship formation in Colombia.

Carlos and Mayra have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain, and Nicaragua. The BGs continue this work through UNIBAUTISTA with ethnic groups in Colombia, including in one of the most neglected areas of The Guajira-Northern Region.

Pray for Ann and Bill Clemmer confronting reoccurrence of Ebola along with Covid 19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

With the expansion of Covid-19 into eastern Congo, we had already made the decision to stay and pivot from Ebola to Covid… but now it looks we will be facing two fronts of seeming uncertainty. But we, as do our colleagues here, know that God is in control.

Pray for Jeni Pedzinski serving young ethnic tribal women in Thialand who are at risk for or survivors of human trafficking.

With degrees in development and Christian theology, Jeni provides administrative support, Christian discipleship and financial literacy training to NLCF staff and program beneficiaries.

First IM global servants in Zimbabwe Pray for Christina and Lance Muteyo ministering in Zimbabwe in evangelism, discipleship and peace and justice.

Lance and Christina describe themselves as “Zimbabwean peace warriors.” Working with the Trees of Peace ministry in Zimbabwe, they conduct trainings in conflict transformation across Africa utilizing experiential learning methodologies which they learned from their mentors, Dan and Sharon Buttry, IM global servants in peace and justice.

Corenne & Phil Smith Pray for Corenne and Phil Smith rescuing homeless street children and youth from the streets in Brazil. Needs multiply due to the Corona virus pandemic.

Pray for Corenne and Phil Smith rescuing homeless street children and youth from the streets in Brazil. Needs multiply due to the Corona virus pandemic.