Walking With, But the Journey Is Not Your Own

We have experienced and been shown that life here is very little like our life was in Haiti, and therefore the same is true of our ministry definition.  We clearly sense that our call here is to a season of walking alongside and of capacity building. It’s facilitating a space and the time to process for leaders to realize their truer and larger capacity of themselves, their ministries, and their communities.

Mobile Medical Clinics in Ukraine

View this email in your browser Mobile Medical Clinics in Ukraine With an invitation from partner, Hungarian Baptist Aid, Kristy led a team of four health care professionals in early …

AE Journal – Transitioning

I’ve enjoyed being back here in Southeast Asia. The smell of calamansi (mini limes) or garlic as we pass by cooking stands, the sounds of roosters, the people singing karaoke …


With this celebration is how we initiate the new year here in the Dominican Republic. For the past years I have been giving gift to children less fortunate. In the …

Support Global Mission From Anywhere

It has been the trend historically that ongoing financial support for global mission has come largely from the west and we are grateful for the generosity of those churches and …


A multi-lingual team of ten represented International Ministries at the 2022 Urbana Conference.