Vav – Pei…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2023June; Vol. XXIII Num. 12; Vav – Pei… (Para castellano, lea más adelante…)   On June 30th we are completing our US/PR assignment! This …

Image of students learning how to start businesses Starting Businesses that Help Communities

A new initiative in South Asia prepares church leaders to start faith-based businesses in struggling communities. “Today many people in rural places and vulnerable communities are experiencing worsening poverty, hunger, …

Manipur Violence May 2023 and Joint Appeal for Relief by CBCNEI, MBC, and IMCC

Manipur Violence May 2023 and Joint Appeal for Relief by CBCNEI, MBC and IMCC
Benjamin Chan
June 9, 2023

Reflections on Ukraine

For the last several months, I have been a bit quiet about my ministry and where I was serving. As you can imagine, this was not because I didn’t want …

History Revisited

A small team of seven joined Area Director for Europe, Middle East and Liberia and Director of Short-Term Mission for a Discovery trip to Liberia.

Assignment: America

Heading Back to America!  Hello from Chiang Mai! The big news for our family is that we have been approved to head back to America for a home assignment! Our …