Riding Without a Helmet

When we delivered a new solar freezer to Vanga last January the zone office was humming with activity like a busy factory.

Soccer Evangelism

Our Kikongo soccer team took a long field trip to Fadiaka to play a game. The players began walking Saturday at 1 AM under the moon.

Pastoral, Practical, Prophetic, and Personal: A Resource on Immigration

A resource on immigration is now available from the Immigration Task Force of American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA).

International Ministries logo A Revival at Hand

Last month I was in the Middle East and was surprised by the many Muslims who decided that they wanted become followers of Jesus, inspired by the witness of His children in this part of the world.

International Ministries logo Privilege

Since joining International Ministries in 1999, I’ve felt especially blessed to work with such a gifted group of people. Over the years, I have continued to look at my colleagues with a sense of awe, and have remained so grateful that I’ve had the chance to get to know folks who are just plain amazing.

India Mission Summit Update in Chinese

We have posted a journal of the India Mission Summit and a related three minutes video in the International Ministries website.