Hope Unlimited Graduate Natali Brings Hope to Others

It is always so gratifying to meet members of Hope Unlimited’s graduate alumni, see how well they are doing, and hear them express their gratitude for what Hope did for them, as they proudly share their accomplishments.

IBTS from Prague to Amsterdam

This week, with a delay of 25 years, the Scottsman Stuart Blythe, was at the IBTS graduation celebration. As a student at Ruschlikon, Switzerland in 1989, he missed the graduation ceremony, and now 25 years later he made it to the 65th anniversary gra-duation,

A Playground for Costa Rica

I always thought about what it would be like to go on a mission team, go to another country and work to help make someone’s life a little easier. However, this was just a thought. I never expected it to become a reality.

International Ministries logo Deb Mulneix Reports from the Philippines on Wed. Nov. 13

We need to keep in mind that this storm hit an area with 3 times the force of Katrina, an area where over 360,000 people were already living in tents and barely surviving because of the shortage of supplies ( FOOD, WATER, and MEDICINE) caused by an earthquake exactly 3 weeks earlier.

Greetings from East Livingston Baptist Church

I bring greetings from Dave and Ellen Brown, Pastor George and Mrs. Linda Winters, and ABC/Ohio Executive Minister Larry (Lawrence) and Mrs. Linda Swain.

A Big Lesson for Me (Reflection)

My time at Ministries of Faith was absolutely amazing. When we first arrived in the San Pedro Sula airport, 11 others and I from Prairie Ridge Church in Ankeny, Iowa were greeted by a big smile from Dago.