Coffee Shop News

For several years now I have had a vision to open a coffee shop in the new building of First Baptist Church of Sofia. The idea is that the coffee shop will serve as a connection to the local community, a meeting place for the church community and eventually a training ground for girls leaving prostitution and other at-risk individuals.

Growing Up

The Literacy Program at Sofia Baptist Church got off to a great start in mid-September, with 15 children coming the first day. Since then, between eight and 15 participants have been coming regularly, with the youngest being five years old, and the oldest 16.

If These Volcanic Stones Could Shout

I grew up in what some refer to as the ‘Deep South’. My family lived and farmed in a small rural community; we attended a conservative Methodist church.   Worship was …

IM Missionary’s Plan to Heal Health Care Organizations

“Sometimes, health care organizations can become sick and in need of healing, just like our patients and our communities,” says American Baptist International Ministries (IM) medical missionary Dr. Steve James.

A Trip to Remember

As I got on the older rickety bus at the border of Laos and Thailand, I had the slight feeling come over me that the upcoming ride through the mountains was not going to be the same as a trip in Thailand.

Marilyn Raatz Commissioning Cape Cod Resident Commissioned to Serve in Africa

This was a historic moment for Cape Cod’s Brewster Baptist Church. As Lead Pastor the Rev. Dr. Doug Scalise stated, “As far as I know, over the more-than-190-year history of the congregation, this is the first time our very own missionary has been commissioned.”