Gustavo Parajon was one of my heroes and role models. Gustavo and his wife Joan were International Ministries missionaries in Nicaragua where Gustavo pastored the First Baptist Church of Managua and led in many medical and community ministries.
April: This month everybody is frantic about the IRS, yet we beg to differ and offer you another perspective of what those three letters can mean to you. Do you …
Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. -Genesis 2:15
Jabu has a passion to help her community. She is a woman who cries out to God in prayer.
On resurrection Sunday we reflect on what Jesus did on the cross for us, He sacrificed His own life to give us a fresh beginning. With His love, He selflessly bore the weight of the world on His shoulder; by His precious blood, He wiped away our sins, transgressions, and iniquities. I thought about my own life.