IM supports theological education in India

We welcome the visit of Rev. Dr. Anuparthi John Prabhakar, Principal of the Andhra Christian Theological College in South India. Rev. Prabhakar spoke at the IM worship service, and discussed …

Naomi and nursing license Nurse Naomi! Midwife Naomi!

I got the text message, “I got the job for Red Cross!” at 1:15PM, July 20. I started my happy dance, so John asks, “What’s up?” (I was helping John …

A Lesson From the World Mission Conference

To say that we were blessed and inspired at the conference would be an understatement.

Building each other up – for mission

You often hear from us that in today’s world all God’s people are working together in God’s mission ‘from everywhere to everyone’

The Love Plane… / El Avión del Amor…

The proverb says, “love starts at home”. That is precisely how we started our missionary journey. // Dice el refrán que “el amor empieza por la casa”. Eso es precisamente como empezamos nuestra tarea misionera.

Mexican Discoveries

This week your gifts and prayers helped to make it possible for some forty students and university ministry leaders to have a deeper encounter with Jesus!