Mexican Discoveries

This week your gifts and prayers helped to make it possible for some forty students and university ministry leaders to have a deeper encounter with Jesus!

The Wild West

In the Hungarian schools, I am often asked to explain something about America…

Hungary Bibles/Camp Scholarship fund update

Pastors were so happy to get a newer bible some openly wept!

The Passage of Time

How quickly time passes in life. This is what I find myself reflecting on and also asking myself: When did I get old enough for this?
For what you may ask?
Old enough to have a child going to College. And I know, I am still young, but sending my oldest off to College and begin her adult life…it makes me feel old. 

The Bible is Our Story Too

While teaching a class called “Theology for Peace and Justice,” a student remarked “I never knew the Bible was our story too.”

A long wait, yet now grateful for a place to call home in Nepal.

IM-sponsored short-term mission trip to Nepal: The darkness inside the small home stood in stark and gloomy contrast to the beautiful expanse of the towering Himalaya mountains, endless blue skies and rolling fields just outside the front door. The Bonjon family of seven invited us into their home to shelter us from a sudden downpour outside.