The Passing of Aidan’s Mantel

As I began my mission service with International Ministries, the pastor of my Mission Partnership Team gave me a framed copy of “Aidan’s Mantel.” This call and challenge has hung over my desk until now.

Simply Thankful

How appropriate to write an update about thankfulness this time of year! I know, it’s a bit cliche, but I am definitely entering this holiday season with a heart of abundant thankfulness!

Washing Refugees’ Feet

Would you wash the feet of a refugee?

Kolaval – Thank You – Gracias!!!

We want to express our gratitude to each one of you who has prayed for our ministry and supported us financially to respond to God’s call to Chiapas. Thank you for journeying with us and helping us to be light and salt in this corner of the world!

Gary Baits has an invitation for you!

This is Gary Baits, Mylinda’s husband, supporter, and fan for over 30 years. While we prepare to enjoy Thanksgiving with Jamie and Micah, and friends here in the Northwest, I find myself thankful for them and for you. I also give thanks for Mylinda’s upcoming ministry trip to Nicaragua (more about that later) and ask your prayers for her journey there.

Notes From Grand Goave

The trip began with 4-days in Dallas, Texas, attending the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly. It was a joy to connect with our partners and team members who have supported us in ministry these past 13 years!