Missionaries and pastors around the world are deepening their relationship with God. Read how David and Joyce are ministering to others through regional retreats and theological education.
Short-Term missions are transformative. One prepares emotionally, spiritually and physically for cross cultural immersion before departing. Then faces a re-entry process with its own time line. The Short-Term Mission team at IM can gently walk alongside you and be co-learners, co-disciples in this Emmaus faith journey.
The evidence is clear: education changes lives! Data from the United Nations Development Program and other sources indicates that children (particularly young girls) who are able to complete high school …
Marzo: “Qué bueno y qué agradable es cuando el pueblo de Dios se reúne en armonía.” (Salmos 133.1 PDT) Eso esperamos experimentar este mes en las asambleas anuales de las …