Global Spiritual Formation

Missionaries and pastors around the world are deepening their relationship with God. Read how David and Joyce are ministering to others through regional retreats and theological education.

Cultivating Co-Learners/Co-Disciples

Short-Term missions are transformative. One prepares emotionally, spiritually and physically for cross cultural immersion before departing. Then faces a re-entry process with its own time line. The Short-Term Mission team at IM can gently walk alongside you and be co-learners, co-disciples in this Emmaus faith journey.

Sievert Larsson, Create Your Future and New Life Center…!

The evidence is clear: education changes lives! Data from the United Nations Development Program and other sources indicates that children (particularly young girls) who are able to complete high school …

En Armonía… / In Harmony…

Marzo: “Qué bueno y qué agradable es cuando el pueblo de Dios se reúne en armonía.” (Salmos 133.1 PDT) Eso esperamos experimentar este mes en las asambleas anuales de las …

Can God Do Something New?

Last week I finished a theological paper exploring the question, “Can God do something new?” After a brief reflection, I began to think about some of the changes we have …

Transformational Tears

Tears are God’s gift to us, as I remember someone once telling us. Tears allow us to express deep joy, sorrow, happiness, hurt, and best of all healing! During this intensive week, the tears that were shed were a gift from God.