Annie and Jeff standing in front of the building NightLight wishes to purchase Pray for Annie and Jeff Dieselberg providing help and hope to women and children in Thailand who are the victims of human trafficking.
Sometimes You have to ASK Again…

Sometimes we think that we’re only supposed to “ask” once and that’s it. However, Scripture not only says “Pray continually,” 1 Thessalonians 5:17, but Keep on Asking!

Reconpaz -logo Haiti and Venezuela: Pronouncement of the Christian Continental Network for Peace (RECONPAZ)

Léalo en español   Call of the Christian Continental Network for Peace IN THE NAME OF GOD: STOP VIOLENCE AND SOCIAL INJUSTICE!   Pronouncement of the Christian Continental Network for …

Reconpaz -logo HAITÍ Y VENEZUELA: Pronunciamiento de la Red Continental Cristiana por la Paz (RECONPAZ)

Read this in English Llamado de la Red Continental Cristiana por la Paz EN NOMBRE DE DIOS: ¡CESE LA VIOLENCIA Y LA INJUSTICIA SOCIAL! Pronunciamiento de la Red Continental Cristiana …

Darkness and Light

A friend wept as he recounted the horror of last Friday’s massacre in Christchurch, a colleague fought back tears as she welcomed students to class, a city volunteer’s voice broke as she welcomed parents to a kids’ program and asked for a moment of silence.

Entrusted with Much

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be expected.” (Luke 12:48, CSB) I had always thought the “much” Luke describes was money but over the past three days God had gently, and not-so-gently taught me that it meant so much more… Each of us are called to share what we have been given whether it is time, financial resources, or prayer. We are the ones who have been given and entrusted with much and that “much” is the Gospel message. It is love. It is faith. What will you give?