Posted on October 24, 2019 Preparation for the Journey
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We recently had the opportunity to visit a special cemetery in Szatmárcseke, Hungary. Instead of tombstones in this cemetery, there are boats. It was interesting to observe that the taller boats represented long lives and the shorter boats represented short lives. Our friend explained to us that this cemetery was like a harbor. The boats come to dock here until they depart for their next destination. The analogy was instantly clear to us. Every person is like a boat. In our lifetime, we have an opportunity to prepare for eternity, then our life ends and we depart for the next destination. The good news is that Jesus wants us to spend eternity with Him, but there is only one way to prepare. In the gospel of John, Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” 

It is a joy to share the good news of Jesus here in Debrecen. Christ is at work touching the lives of people in our church, at the university, and in schools. The English Bible study is now meeting every week and averaging about 40. The group is made up university students and English speakers from countries such as Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Palestine, Rwanda, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. We rejoice that Christ is bringing so many new people to this ministry.

Thank you for your financial support and prayer. You are a treasure to us and we praise the Lord for your partnership in the gospel! This month a new budget cycle at International Ministries began. We have additional funds to raise, as well as an increase in overall ministry cost. Right now, that means we are about 10% short of being fully funded. If you have been considering increasing your support, it would be a great blessing for us. If you would like to partner with us in ministry, please join the team with an ongoing monthly gift. You can call 610-768-2323 or click the green give button above.

Thank you for being an essential part of Christ’s work here in Hungary!