Home Again Amid Chaos and Crisis

  Dear Loved ones, Greeting. We are back home in Haiti since yesterday Saturday September 28. When we left in June 15, the country was having troubles. We have returned …

Giving Thanks…

November/December: Through rain, sleet, and snow, through drought, dryness, and desert, God is always with us. We give thanks for His faithfulness in every season of our lives. We also …

Con gratitud…

Noviembre/Diciembre: Llueva, truene o relampaguee, en las duras y en las maduras, Dios siempre nos acompaña. Damos gracias por Su fidelidad en cada etapa de nuestras vidas. También damos gracias …

If We Truly Listen…

Stories are not enough to bring about transformation, but they are indispensably one of the first steps in recognizing the voices of the oppressed and embracing an attitude of humility and empathy to truly hear them.

Immigration Immersion Team

I am hosting an Immigration Immersion experience on the border between Tijuana and San Diego, December 9th -14th. This is an opportunity to learn first hand about: The asylum seekers …

It’s 4:00 am, Waiting for the Light to Dawn

Caution: Read this only if you really would like to know how are our immigration policies are affecting the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors. Right now, in our world, …