You Can Support God’s Mission from Anywhere

On December 9, Eva and I traveled to South Africa to be with grieving family members. On Wednesday, January 3 we returned to the US after being in the air …

Kilómetro 0 / Kilometer 0

Hechos y Amor en Acción: BGsEtAl 2024Ene; Vol. XXIV Núm. 7; Kilómetro 0… (For English, please scroll down…) Este Año Nuevo 2024, Dios nos provee una nueva oportunidad de compartir …

International Ministries Mourns the Passing of Global Servant Rev. Madeline Flores-Lopez Dear friend of Madeline Florez-López

Dear friend of Madeline Florez-López, Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The truth that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life is the hope …

A Little Child Will Lead Them

  One of the most common features I used to notice when travelling to northern Syria were shepherds leading large flocks of sheep. Sometimes these flocks would block the narrow …

Practicing Integral Health Stewardship

  Love the Lord your God  with all your heart    and with all your soul  and with all your mind  and with all your strength.’  The second is this: …

Meeting Together with Conveners from MPTs (Mission Partnership Teams) on January 12th!

On Jan. 12th, we will hold our first Zoom meeting with Conveners from the MPTs that serve our global servants. MPTs are Mission Partnership Teams. They are one of the many ways that International Ministries and volunteers support and care for our global servants. *