Katrina & Kyle Williams

KYLE works with multiple groups working to educate, mobilize the church, and build peace in Southeast Asia. Among these groups is the Mekong Minority Foundation (MMF) which works to bring biblical education to hill tribe churches in 3 countries of SE Asia. Their network of 90+ churches work together to strengthen each other as they share the Gospel within their villages and communities. Kyle leads Conflict Transformation workshops amongst these churches and the extended communities, while also teaching as a part of the peace programs connected to Kawthoolei Hope Theological Seminary near the border. KATRINA partners with the Chiang Rai International Christian School (CRICS), teaching in their science department and their student success program which gives children with various learning differences the extra help they need to be successful. In addition to her professional teaching, she homeschools 2 of their children.
[world map] Southeast Asia and Japan Southeast Asia push-pin Southeast Asia
[pie chart]73%Support Currently Pledged
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