Posted on June 18, 2018 Coming to the US
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We’re coming to the U.S. and we want to see you!

After 1 year in France and 2 years in Congo, we are coming to the United States for our first U.S. Assignment. We arrive in Seattle ‪on June 25‬. We want to see you, to share about our work and to hear about you and what’s happening in your life. Though our summer is mostly booked we will have lots of time in Fall and Winter to travel and speak.

U.S. Assignment FAQs

What is U.S. Assignment?

U.S. Assignment is a regular interval when we return to the U.S. and our work is based there. It is time to report back to our partners and organization in the U.S., debrief the last three years and catch up with family and friends. It is time to raise additional funds for ministry and further develop our skills. It is time to care for our physical, mental and emotional health. It is time for our children to experience life in the U.S. and learn about American culture. It is time to rest from the stress of cross-cultural living and working. The goal is to return to ministry better equipped for continuing work.

What will you do for a whole year?

A lot! A year seems like a long time, but in reality it’s hardly enough. At the same time, it is a long time for a family to spend in a state of transition.  Some of the big pieces are to:
In addition to all of these customary tasks associated with U.S. assignment, we will be spending our first few months discerning a new location of service for our family. The Pastoral Institute we originally signed on to serve closed while we were on our way to language school and a new university sprung up in it’s place. We originally thought that our service would look very similar despite this change. However, after two academic years, we have concluded that UNIBAC is not structured in a way that would allow us to thrive as we seek to work out of our passions and skill sets. The rigidity of government regulations on the University has moved our vision of innovative pastoral education and discipleship to the background.
We haven’t come to this decision lightly, but after seeking guidance from other missionaries, our home staff at IM, and missionary counselors. Even after we felt the decision was clear, we spent time in prayer and grief over this change in direction.
We are thankful for all the experiences we have had in Kikongo as well as the ways our eyes have been opened to the hardships of our neighbors. Our time in Kikongo has helped us to further identify the types of cross cultural work we would like to be moving towards and the vital importance of ministry that springs out of healthy relationships.
We are very excited about some of the possibilities on the table and we will keep everyone informed as things become more clear. Thank you for your grace and support during this time of uncertainty and transition for our family.

Where will you be?

At this point we are not exactly sure but we are leaning towards Olympia, WA so that Katrina can finish her BS. We will be traveling to meet with partners in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California and beyond. More details to come.

What are some things you’re looking forward to?

  • Spending time with people we love
  • Restaurants, mostly sushi
  • Foods we have missed: crisp vegetables, apples and cheese
  • Hiking trails through evergreen forests

What will you miss about Congo?

  •  Fioti the cat, Alby the monkey, and duikers Fili and Bella
  • The Wamba River
  • A relatively simple life
  • Friends who risked a lot to be honest with us
  • Raising animals from chickens to crocodiles
  • Congolese Greens: saka saka, biteko teko, and matembele
  • House calls by the Doctor when we’re sick

What do you need?

We have some leads on an affordable house to rent – hooray! We do still need a vehicle that seats 6. If you have a minivan or the like that you are not in need of, it could fill a huge need for us. We are also still in need of a table and dining chairs.
Make time to meet with us, listen to our experiences and tell us about what has been happening in your corner of the world. Ask questions about our lives in Congo and what God is prompting us to do next. Give us grace when we say and do strange things. Pray for us and especially for our children as transitions can be rough.