Dr. Bibiana MacLeod, Director of Medical Ambassadors for the America’s and Caribbean and a long time friend and co-worker, invited us to be part of a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) team gathered to train area lay-midwives. She did a tremendous job organizing the whole week as well as teaching each day.

Graduates and CHE Staff Trainers
Other CHE team members included Dr. Cherenfant, Medical Director, Ms. Bernard and Mme. Rene, public health nurses from the small hospital in Monbin, Mme. Grimard (Danise), CHE Coordinator for Women and Children’s Health, and Ms. Margaret Rock, a nurse from Bayeux Clinic.
Even though the midwives of Monbin Crochu have never been formally trained, they have been delivering babies for many years. Some are unable to read and all are without basic medical supplies. Yet, they persevere in a poor and remote region with no reliable emergency transportation except small motorcycles or the local priest’s 4-wheel drive. They do it all without pay although some are given garden produce or chicken eggs as a gesture of thanks. Much to our surprise, most of the midwives in the area are men! It is culturally appropriate in Haiti for men to deliver babies, and often midwives, men or women, are the leaders in their communities. The need is great.