Tag: Health and Wellness
| Three IM Global Servants Step into New Roles

Mylinda Baits, Ray Schellinger and J.D. Reed step into new roles at IM.

| Pray for Mylinda Baits
Haiti - Clean Water Project | Haiti – Clean Water Project

This project will provide safe, clean water for thousands of families, and to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses like cholera, dengue fever and chikungunya.

India - Nursing Students | India – Nursing Students

The Assam Baptist Convention wants to assist its young people by sending one young man and two young women to nursing school in the capital city of Guwahati.

| Pray for Kihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga
| Pray for Kathy and Tim Rice ministering and training health workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.