Tag: Haiti
International Ministries logo | Tragic Deaths

Greeting. We have come to ask your prayers for our university family and for the families that are crying right now.

| God Provides

About two weeks ago, I was going from one store to another looking for the best quality eye glass cases our people like.

| The Road Less Traveled

The following journal entry takes place while completing one of the steps in our deputation process which is to attend a two week class on how to learn a new language and how to understand how that language relates to the culture.

| IM Missionary’s Plan to Heal Health Care Organizations

“Sometimes, health care organizations can become sick and in need of healing, just like our patients and our communities,” says American Baptist International Ministries (IM) medical missionary Dr. Steve James.

| The Midwives of Mombin

We just returned home from Mombin Crochu, a remote town in the barren mountains of northeast Haiti.

| New Van for Women’s Ministry in Haiti

Finally! The sturdy new van destined for Kihomi Nzunga’s use with women in Haiti has finally arrived. After many issues were resolved and thanks to much prayer, Kihomi took possession of the sturdy vehicle last Friday.