Tag: Haiti
Haiti - Clean Water Project | Haiti – Clean Water Project

This project will provide safe, clean water for thousands of families, and to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses like cholera, dengue fever and chikungunya.

| Pray for Kihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga
| The Story of Dezo
| Haiti – Health, Healing and Hope

The Women’s Association of Haiti has broad-based ministries to impoverished communities, taking a holistic approach to improve all areas of life.

| Disappointed!

As September is nearly upon us (Tomorrow), during my morning devotions I realized how disappointed I am. I asked “Why am I disappointed?”, or “What is the feeling i have and why is it causing me associate it with disappointment?”.

| Eye Clinic Report

I hope that each one of you had a blessed day in company of loved ones. I stayed home working on my new book on Discouragement. Do you have any experience about this subject?