Tag: Education
| God smiles in Vanga

Anabell Quast is a short-term volunteer on extended assignment in Vanga at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital. God is smiling all around her, in her new environment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

| Pray for Glen and Rita Chapman training pastors and ministering to pastoral families in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Glen and Rita have been instrumental in transforming the Kikongo pastoral training school into the Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC). Glen is vice-rector of UNIBAC, where he teaches Old Testament, Hebrew and Baptist history. Rita runs the library, teaches English and works with the wives of theology students. Rita and Glen both are very much immersed in the life of the community and the church through village ministry, transportation and environmental ministries such as beekeeping, raising rabbits for agricultural training and planting trees for reforestation, lumber, firewood, charcoal and fruit.

| Pray for Amanda and Jon Good working in Hungary for Christ in evangelism, church planting, discipleship and leadership training.

Jon and Amanda Good serve through ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and theological education in partnership with the Baptist Union of Hungary.

| Pray for Debbie and Keith Myers training Christian leaders and encouraging Christians in Central Mexico.

Debbie and Keith serve in Central Mexico to provide pastoral accompaniment to the indigenous churches. This consists of training pastors, church leaders, youth leaders and teachers for the children.

The Vo Family | Pray for Amy and Joseph Vo newly endorsed to serve as development workers in Vietnam.
| Pray for Sarah Nash appointed and soon to leave for Bolivia to serve women and children through the House of Hope.

Sarah will serve through the new extension of House of Hope in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. As an educator and dental assistant, Sarah is passionate about serving women and children through ministries of discipleship, education and health.