Sarah McCloy learned some unexpected lessons earlier this summer, as she traveled to areas Jesus walked, prayed, taught. Leaning on a trusted community can help us navigate through some scary paths.
Barb and Dwight minister among the Mapuche, an indigenous people group in Chile. The goals of their ministries with the Mapuche churches and communities are, first, recovery of identity as a people made in the image of God; and second, discovery of vocation as productive stewards of God’s creation.
Ruth, having invested many years in some of IM’s educational ministries in Thailand, is currently serving on special assignment as a regional consultant based in the U.S.
Larry and Becky are currently serving with International Ministries partners Hungarian Baptist Aid and the Baptist Union of Hungary.
Sarah serves through the new extension of House of Hope in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. As an educator and dental assistant, Sarah is passionate about serving women and children through ministries of discipleship, education and health.