Tag: Discipleship
| Pray for Hermelinda and Jorge Damasceno reaching out for Jesus to Portuguese speaking migrant workers in Great Britain.

Jorge and Hermelinda are associate missionaries who serve with the Baptist Churches in the Dereham region of the United Kingdom. They are assisting churches of the Baptist Union of Great Britain reach out to the communities of Portuguese-speaking migrant workers in the region.

| Stepping Time

Jesus is opening new outreach possibilities in Hungary.

| Entrusted with Much

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be expected.” (Luke 12:48, CSB) I had always thought the “much” Luke describes was money but over the past three days God had gently, and not-so-gently taught me that it meant so much more… Each of us are called to share what we have been given whether it is time, financial resources, or prayer. We are the ones who have been given and entrusted with much and that “much” is the Gospel message. It is love. It is faith. What will you give?

| Cultivating Co-Learners/Co-Disciples

Short-Term missions are transformative. One prepares emotionally, spiritually and physically for cross cultural immersion before departing. Then faces a re-entry process with its own time line. The Short-Term Mission team at IM can gently walk alongside you and be co-learners, co-disciples in this Emmaus faith journey.

| Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Maya Giovanetti engaged in ministries of discipleship and peace and justice in Colombia.

Carlos and Mayra have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain and Nicaragua. UNIBAUTISTA has invited them to continue this work with ethnic groups in one of the most neglected areas of Colombia, the Guajira Northern Region.

| En Armonía… / In Harmony…