Tag: Discipleship
| Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti ministering in Columbia in discipleship formation and training in churches.

Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti, “the BGs,” have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain and Nicaragua. UNIBAUTISTA has invited them to continue this work with ethnic groups in one of the most neglected areas of Colombia, the Guajira Northern Region. The BGs have been long-term global servants since 2000 through International Ministries.
They write – And, just like that, our first year in Colombia has been completed! Praise the Lord and thanks for your partnership…
In April we made our first trip to Cúcuta to learn of the situation of so many migrants from Venezuela into our country. …
In July we made our second trip; this time bringing our area director and the global consultant for immigration and refugees with us. Adalia and Ray joined us on a journey through the Humanitarian Network for Migrants from Cúcuta to Tunja. As we saw them and the shelters along the way, we realized as Luis and Johana have, that the current 14 shelters and stations are not enough for the many who are traveling daily. The ladies of FBC of Cúcuta are embarking on a new endeavor of sewing hooded blankets in all sizes for those who come from very warm weather and face the bitter cold of the Berlin Plateau.
Many have frozen to death in their quest for freedom and safety! It can take them almost a full day on foot to get from Cúcuta to Pamplona, … See why we need to pray and seek resources for more Humanitarian Network shelters along the way? Along with food, a shower, and a couple of hours of [sleep] they are provided spiritual nourishment that is what will last the longest. Let living water flow to these migrants providing them hope and dignity! …
Immediately after that trip to Cúcuta, we had the week-long Global Baptist Peace Conference in Cali, Colombia. Siblings from Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania (more than 30 countries in total), were present for this event …
Summer is almost over, and we were blessed to have a full house throughout our hectic schedule. Now the older children return to their studies in the USA and the younger one continues her high school homeschooling studies. Let living water flow with wisdom, intelligence, and determination in this new academic year for them and us all.
Read their full journal at https://internationalministries.org/let-living-water-flow/

| Preparation for the Journey

We recently had the opportunity to visit a special cemetery in Szatmárcseke, Hungary. The cemetery is like a harbor full of boats ready to depart for their next destination.

WMO English | Let Living Water Flow…
| Que Fluya el Agua Viva…
| Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes preparing to serve ethnic minorities in Thailand, focusing on discipleship and spiritual development of children and staff.

Alise and Mark Juanes will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal women and children coping with problems caused by AIDS, disabilities and migration from their rural villages to urban slums.

| Pray for Stacy and Tim Reese endorsed to serve in discipleship and community development in Haiti.

Stacy and Tim will serve with IM partner in Haiti the Christian Association for Spreading the Gospel and Economic and Health Development. They are both passionate about discipleship through artistic expression.