Tag: Africa
| New Servants in Monrovia

Abundant blessings shower our new short-term servants who are spending thirty days in Virginia (Liberia) at Ricks Institute. From rural Kansas to rural Virginia, more commonalities are being discovered.

| God’s Ambassadors in Uganda

An inter-generational team from Grace Crossing Community Church in Phoenixville, PA, is being called to be God’s Ambassadors in Bethlehem, Uganda.

| Middle East and North Africa – Enduring Love

Enduring Love is raising up Arab Christian leaders to bring God’s message of hope and love through a variety of community-based programs.

| Stretching Forward

After being missionaries in the D.R. Congo for nearly thirty years, we are really being stretched now! Over sixty years ago, the Kikongo pastoral training school was established to train rural pastoral leadership. We have been involved with this school for twenty years.

| Soccer Evangelism

Our Kikongo soccer team took a long field trip to Fadiaka to play a game. The players began walking Saturday at 1 AM under the moon.

| Ebola Prevention Video Developed by IM Missionaries

While the spread of this highly-contagious disease has now been largely contained, one big question remains: What steps can be taken now to prevent more outbreaks?