Posted on March 5, 2018 MARCH MIRACLES
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The Miracle of Silence

During week six of our Spiritual Formation class, our students are required to spend a day in silence and solitude.  For many of them, this is the first time they have intentionally spent an entire day being quiet for the sole purpose of listening to God.  It is always a transformative experience!  Jose said, “My soul has been at peace with God knowing that I have not tried to make things better than they are. I have not pretended to be someone or something that I am not. I have not held back squeals of delight, expressions of need or desire, tears of pain, sadness or disappointment.”  When asked, “Is there anything that you know more clearly now than you did before you became quiet?”  He replied “I know that God is calling me into a deeper relationship. And that he is preparing me for something greater for his glory.”

U.S. 2 Cohort

Latino/a Pastors in the U.S. 2 Cohort


The Miracle of Vulnerable Community

David has been in Cochabamba, Bolivia teaching during the residency with our next group of students.  Nine thousand feet above sea level, Cochabamba is green and lush, and is home to the tallest Jesus statue in the world!

After his first week of entering the Masters of Theological Studies program, Santos Rios shared: “The instructors have challenged me to participate in, and to be transformed by, intimacy with God.  I am to integrate ideas and reflections with each activity that clearly move one towards vulnerability, so that I open up to others and do not walk alone. When seeking the direction of the Holy Spirit, one should walk accompanied within a community of faith.”  Daniel added, “The development of the themes this week has challenged my hope, my life, my person, the depth of my intimacy of God, and put into question a lot of my practices and personal disciplines. There is so much to consider!  I am encouraged to deepen my spiritual development.”

Bolivia Cohort

Since the Masters program launched in August 2016, 116 students have participated!

P.S.  Joyce had hoped to travel to Bolivia but it required a yellow fever vaccination which her immune system was not ready to accommodate.  Healing continues!


The Miracle of Technology

One of our new roles is offering spiritual companionship and counsel to our missionary colleagues.  Having served as missionaries for almost 20 years, we can share wisdom that comes from our own experience of living overseas.  Over the last two weeks we have been blessed to counsel colleagues through various life transitions (grief, moving, vocational shift, health concerns).  How do we communicate?  Through Skype—a computer to computer phone call that is absolutely free!  We are honored that God is allowing us to develop a model of spiritual care for IM missionaries.

David & Joyce with New Missionary Jae Stockton


The Miracle of Love

On January 5, we welcomed beautiful Madeleine Schmitz into our family as she married our son Aaron!  The wedding took place in her grandmother’s backyard in Mesa, AZ.  Presently, the newlyweds are employed at Kodiak Baptist Mission in Kodiak, Alaska until the end of May when they will return to AZ.

Aaron & Madeleine


The Miracle of You!

Thank you for making this all possible!  With your support, we are teaching, discipling, and transforming the lives of the next generation of pastors in Latin America. With your support, we are providing spiritual care for our missionary colleagues in countries around the world. Because your prayers and gifts transform us, we are—through God’s grace–transforming others.

David & Joyce with Connie & Gary Huston, FBC Fairbury, IL


Your Ambassadors in Iberoamerica & the Caribbean,

David and Joyce