The Rev. Peter and Sarah McCurdy serve in Costa Rica. Peter’s ministry focus is spiritual renewal and spiritual formation.Sarah, a former French teacher, is developing her role as an educator.
Larry and Becky are currently serving with International Ministries partners Hungarian Baptist Aid and the Baptist Union of Hungary.
Kristy Engel is a pediatric nurse practitioner who as a global consultant focuses on the health of individuals worldwide.
Matt and Lori serve in Laos and Thailand. In Laos, they work to bring hope and restoration to children and youth who have suffered or are at risk for the worst forms abuse and exploitation, including street children; children living in slum communities who are victims of abuse and domestic violence; and victims of child labor and sex trafficking.
Amanda assists with education at the school managed by the Baptist Church in Debrecen.. She also helps with discipleship ministries of the Baptist Church in Debrecen. Jon assists the Baptist Church in Debrecen with its evangelistic outreach, church planting and church development ministries. He also helps with the training of Christian leaders through the Union’s seminary. Amanda and Jon both work with the church planting efforts of HBAid.
The Rev. Ivy and Emerson Wu work with their IM area director to establish a network of global Chinese churches and Christian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through which the network members will develop and implement common strategic missions. They also represent IM in relating to church and NGO partners in Hong Kong.