Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles serving in evangelism, economic development and health and wellness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo …which helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops and works with Congolese farmers to generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders.

Eliberto and Molly Juarez Pray for Eliberto and Molly Juarez endorsed to serve in El Salvador training volunteers to serve as agents of transformation.

Eliberto Juárez and Molly Jamison Juárez are endorsed to serve as global servants in El Salvador with IM partner Mision Vida y Paz (MVP), or Mission Life and Peace. They share a strong commitment to peace building and social transformation through the power of the gospel.

Pray for the people of Haiti facing great unrest and for our global servants Kihomi Ngwemi and Mabudiga Nzunga who are in country

Serious Civil unrest has once again disrupted life in Haiti.

Pray for Kristy Engel global consultant with a focus on health care issues.

As a global consultant, Kristy can visit countries in need of health assessments, ongoing education, health team visits or other forms of collaboration during crisis and non-crisis situations. Her goals are to empower local leaders, to help communities recognize their strengths and understand how to make better use of their resources and to build relationships that increase the health of populations around the world through innovation, networking and encouragement.

Pray for Mylinda Baits serving as a global consultant for Training Through Restorative Arts,

Mylinda is a pastoral artist and trainer. She partners with IM colleagues, national church leadership and social change organizations to seek justice, healing and transformation through restorative art and creative expression.

Kristy Engel, Anita & Rick Gutierrez Pray for Drs. Anita and Rick Gutierrez training local missionaries to combat illness in South Africa.

Family doctors Rick and Anita train and equip local missionaries, or “health builders,” to combat lifestyle-related diseases like HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, heart and artery disease, diabetes and malaria in homes, schools, places of worship and marketplaces.