Ministry in Qonce, South Africa March, April & May 2023 Salt, Light, and Yeast Matthew 13;33(NLT) “Jesus also used this illustration: The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a …
Greetings from Mexicali!
Praising God for His Provisions and I’m so grateful for my air conditioner cooling my little cozy place! It’s been hot here in Mexicali. We had been in the high 90’s and a few times we reached 102F degrees. Summer is just around the corner and we’re halfway through
Many times and in many instances of our lives we find ourselves automatically shifting.
But what if God is asking us, training us, and has designed us to do things more intentionally, manually?
“The building could fall down, hopefully everyone is safe, but we can worship God in the driveway. Our faith and desire to worship God is NOT dependent on this building.”
… I explained that Lynette and I would share their story … to tell them of this small church in the northern mountains of the Dominican Republic that serves as a beacon of hope to their community as A church and as THE Church.
…it was clear to me that [he] was prepared to complete this project, but he simply lacked the funding to make put the plan into action.