Christmas Time is Here

Christmas Time is Here As I am typing, I have the sound of a crackling fire playing on a YouTube video. On September 1st, colorful lights and snowflakes began to …

Come and See/Vengan a Ver

Come and See/Vengan a Ver
Mercy Gonzalez-Barnes
December 4, 2023.

Kaf – Lamed…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2023Dec; Vol. XXIV Núm. 6; Kaf – Lamed… (Para castellano, lea más adelante…) In December, we reach the end of 2023 and this year’s …

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! One of the four groups of girls (faces are blurred to protect their identities). Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one …

Around the Table

Celebrating around the table of food and fellowship is a favorite activity for the English Bible in Debrecen.

Doing Less & Experiencing More

Rev. Jen Lessard shares about her recent experience in Ecuador, being the hands and feet of Christ with RECONPAZ. She experienced God’s presence in many ways.