Global Servants Becky and Mike Mann's son Richard helps to harvest coffee beans that will benefit hill tribe villages in Thailand Hope through Coffee

For three decades, Global Servants Becky and Mike Mann worked to help three hundred hill tribe villages in Thailand benefit by farming coffee.   Growing coffee that benefits hill tribes …


“Wow”    “Wonderful”    “That’s great.” These are just a few meanings of the Japanese word すごい (Sugoi)     While on a short-term mission trip, one of the learning curves is the …

Honor the Lord

Lyn Lusi was a British Baptist Missionary nurse who came to the Congo where she met Dr. Jo Lusi, a Congolese Orthopedic Surgeon. Together they served in mission hospitals across …

Maybe We Are Here … for a Time Like This

Many of you have written to ask about our well-being and safety during Bill’s temporary assignment in South Sudan as civil war has broken out in neighboring Sudan, while here …

Image of Associate Global Servant Boaz Keibarak as he lead a radio broadcast aimed at peacebuilding in Kenya Building Peace in Kenya

After the death of his father, and amid rising conflict within his family, Boaz Keibarak became homeless at the age of nine. God’s peace “I slept in empty maize sacks, …