Praying and Fasting…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2024May; Vol. XXIV Num. 11; Praying and Fasting… How is it that the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society / International Ministries was founded on …

Orando y Ayunando…

Hechos y Amor en Acción: BGsEtAl 2024Mayo; Vol. XXIV Núm. 11; Orando y Ayunando… ¿Cómo es que la Sociedad Misionera Foránea Bautista Americana / Ministerios Internacionales fue fundada el 21 …

Global Encounters – Let us Love One Another

Global Encounters
Let us Love One Another

April 2024 Update

Larry and I were asked by the American Baptist Historical Society to include current economic data in our journal posts, so starting this month, we’re planning to track the prices …

People and Songs – Trout Ministry Newsletter 2024.5

In this newsletter, you’ll see lots of references to song titles or little lyrics here and there. I couldn’t help but have a song of praise and longing for the …

“I like what IM does overseas”

Recently, I had the privilege of connecting with one of my supporters, a 92-year-old individual whose dedication to God’s mission spans decades. As I expressed my gratitude for his monthly …