Great Friendships

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I recently read a blog entitled, “Three Keys to Great Friendships.” The timing of this article coincided with our travels around the States and Puerto Rico visiting ABC churches.

Small Congregations in Turkey Step Up in a Mighty Way to Help Syrian and Iraqi Refugees

The two young men were appalled by what they saw: multiple families jammed into makeshift housing on the roofs of crumbling apartment buildings.

A Community Journeying With Jesus Among the Poor

I have been in the Philippines for just over two months now. It has been a great journey so far. I am glad to be back working with the community I worked with in 2012 and 2013, Companion With the Poor, and now also International Ministries!

The Approach

I came across this memory on Facebook today: “Connect Kikongo is 10 likes away from our goal of 125 likes before Monday…”

Coup Attempt in Turkey

It came as a total surprise! Who? At this time, the coup appears to have been organized by a military faction who are opposed to the current president, Recep Erdogan.

Love Simply. Simply Love. Everyone.

Thank you for your ongoing support, prayers and communications with me over the last several months of my travels and work. I know many are busy with their own summer travel and I appreciate everyone who is keeping up with me through social media as well as letters.