Coup Attempt in Turkey

It came as a total surprise! Who? At this time, the coup appears to have been organized by a military faction who are opposed to the current president, Recep Erdogan.

Love Simply. Simply Love. Everyone.

Thank you for your ongoing support, prayers and communications with me over the last several months of my travels and work. I know many are busy with their own summer travel and I appreciate everyone who is keeping up with me through social media as well as letters.

Kim Brown Planning for Retirement after 32 Years as IM Missionary in Thailand. Ministry She Founded Seeking New Leadership

Twenty years ago, American Baptist International Ministries (IM) missionary in Thailand Kim Brown founded the House of Love as a refuge for former brothel workers who had contracted AIDS.

40 Years!

On June 6th, Jeanine and I celebrate the fortieth anniversary of our appointment by International Ministries.

Air Hunger

The book of Isaiah records how the people of Israel failed to live out the kind of life God wanted them to live. God has always wanted His people to be a real, tangible blessing to those suffering around them.

Zika Hurts Babies Most

Zika is a calamity that may come upon the pregnant women and babies of Nicaragua. As medical doctors trying to help people here in the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it has us so worried. In the next six months, zika is expected to spread to half the population here.