During the time before our Easter celebration, my thoughts focus on the promise God has given us so we can walk in newness of life – and reflecting on those words reminds me of some experiences in my recent trip to Nepal.
It was a long journey returning to the Congo from the U.S. After 9 months of almost constant travel, it felt so good to arrive back to our own little apartment and unpack our suitcases! We’re happy to be settled, and as Michael said, “to be able to do the work instead of just talking about it for so long.”
“Do what you can, with what you’ve got, in the moment you’re given.”
One of my favorite stories in the Bible occurs in the 10th chapter of the book of Mark. It is the story of blind Bartimaeus. I admire the fortitude and passion that he demonstrated as he cried out to Jesus passing by on the road outside of Jericho.