My sisters and brothers in Christ welcomed me so warmly Jesus, Women and the Church

“Men and women are equal … but women are a little bit lower,” remarked the young man in a class I (Ann) recently taught.

How Did I Get HERE?

This journal is about how God worked in and through Brian while he was preaching for the very first time in Haitian Creole.


The Miracle of Silence During week six of our Spiritual Formation class, our students are required to spend a day in silence and solitude.  For many of them, this is …

What Time is It?

Cross cultural encounters have us face the concept of time in many situations. Nita, a short-term volunteer shares her reflections as she experiences God’s Time in Japan.

Curiosity or Accompaniment?

A stranger with a careful eye came along side our team every day. She was considered to be the “grandmother” of the village in Thailand where we served. I noticed curiosity be transformed into accompaniment.

New Assignment for Ruth Fox!

Chuck and I have been going through a massive transition since responding to God’s prompting to return from Thailand in October to care for Chuck’s parents.