A Summary of the Rainwater Harvesting Project in Chile

The testimony of Flor, the woman who leads the yarn project in Repocura, is the same story we hear everywhere: “I wasn’t even going to plant my garden this year, because there’s no water, but now I can.”

Ready, Set, Go!

Jon and Amanda Good depart for Hungary.

Sweet Okra Soup

“Sweet okra soup does not stay on the rice a long time.”

Teaching at the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Karyn & Roberto Carlo have been living on the beautiful campus of the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary since this past summer.

Are You Feeling Called to Volunteer?

Individuals and groups can be the hands and feet of Christ in over 70 countries where our global servants, our long-term/career missionaries, are serving.

Gratitude First… / Gratitud Primero…

We are grateful for some firsts we have experienced in these 17 years of ministries with the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.