Times of Transition

Today I once again find myself in a time of transition from one career to the next, from one season to the next, and I wanted to share a few of my thoughts with you.

A Glimpse into the Life of an MK (Julia Witmer)

I’ve probably said this a hundred times, and I’ll say it a hundred more — saying goodbye to friends is really, really hard.

Freeman Fall 2018 Newsletter

Fall 2018 Prayer Newsletter   Openness in Turkey   BBC News had a recent article entitled, The Young Turks Rejecting Islam. The President of Turkey repeatedly talks about “bringing up …

An unexpected friend

“Could you talk to my son?” Wow! That was unexpected! The man had seemed upset.  When he walked up to my friend Scott, Scott was expecting a tongue-lashing.  Instead, the …

Ruth Fox to Serve as Global Coordinator for Education

Ruth Fox to Serve as Global Coordinator for Education
Benjamin Chan
January 15, 2019

Pineapples of Gratitude

‘‘And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent’’, Mark 12:42. Dear Loved Ones, Blessed 2019 greetings to every one of you. …