It’s been a journey!

Between being deported in Bangladesh to a surprise visit to Thailand, meeting with new partners in Australia and finally a hospitalization in India…the last few months have been interesting, to say the least!

Storms in the Congo

Daily storms… The Congolese people have faced, and continue to face terrible storms in their lives: hunger, poverty, horrific atrocities from the multiple militia groups, unemployment, volcanic eruptions, and the newest adversity, a virulent outbreak of the Ebola virus, already the largest and deadliest in Congo’s history.

Into the Unknown

Hello my dear friends,

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Christmas then we anticipated the coming of the New Year.  Today, it’s the last day of January.  Time flies!   Two years ago I started the Masters Program.

Sea la paz… / Let there be peace…

Febrero: “¿Y cómo predicarán si no son enviados? Como está escrito: ‘¡Cuán hermosa es la llegada de los que anuncian la paz, de los que anuncian buenas nuevas!’” (Romanos 10.15 …

Cold Days Warm Hearts

Jesus is alive and at work in the world! We celebrate this message of hope and can see Christ at work all around us.

The “Unsettling” Stage

When I was at my cross-cultural training last summer we focused one of our days on transition. I learned that there are five stages of transition. First is called the settled stage, second is the unsettled stage, third is the chaos stage, fourth is the re-settling stage, and lastly is the “new” settled stage. I feel that I am in the unsettling stage of transition.