Home Assignment to New Special Assignment

It has been so long since we have been in contact via newsletter, and we apologize for what may seem like a long silence.  We have so much to tell …

To the ends of the earth… / Hasta lo ultimo de la tierra…

June: This month your BGs participated in the UBLA Conference in Bogotá and a VBS with the congregation which we now attend. This year’s Baptist Leaders’ Continental Conference was held …

Stories from the Front Lines: Thailand

Your help is needed in Thailand!  Did you know that there are 30 Christian Thai schools connected to International Ministries through the Church of Christ in Thailand and the Christian …


The compass of our hearts facilitates the God connections to take place. We are grateful for the many connections God has facilitated before, during and since Tonto Rim Christian Camp with the Arizona Karen Baptist Church.

Doing Life Together

God designed us to do life together with others. In doing so, we also do ministry as we allow God to work in us and through us.

Over, Under or Alongside?

We build relationships based on mutual respect and an eagerness to cooperate with what God is doing in and through our beloved sisters and brothers in Christ around the world. We may make mistakes along the way, but this is the journey we are committed to.