How Many People Does It Take to Install An X-Ray?

Imagine an area half the size of North Carolina, without an x-ray machine in any hospital.  In one region of Congo, that changed in 2023. This story began when a US-based Congolese brought a pastor friend to Sala, his village in Congo. 

Simon, do you see her?

How could we not have seen them? We write often about the challenges faced by those who live in this part of the world where we serve: volcanic eruptions, outbreaks …

2024: Wow you’re here already!

2024: Wow you’re here already! I saw a funny meme that made me laugh. And Oh, I enjoyed it so much that I have to share a couple of the …

Christmas spirit is to serve, to rescue, and to bring hope

Christmas spirit is to serve, to rescue, and to bring hope
Benjamin Chan
December 24, 2023

Gordon, Lee Ann and Sarah at Sendai Station Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Do you have dreams about Christmas? I think many people in the States dream about having a “White Christmas” just like the song. This was my dad’s favorite Christmas song as it is for many people. But, it does not make any reference to Jesus or his birth. Maybe there is something better to dream about at Christmas?

From Casablanca to Agadir: Mission in Morocco

From Casablanca to Agadir: Mission in Morocco The classic Hollywood movie Casablanca has been considered as one of the greatest war movies! Humphry Bogart and Ingrid Bergman immortalized this movie, …