International Ministries

[world map]
Projects, Journals, & News
Pray for Terry and Tom Myers serving in Bulgaria and soon to be in transition to a new ministry.

Terry and Tom help the Baptist Union of Bulgaria give holistic expression of the gospel. Tom works primarily in

Pray for the Ebola Outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and for Dr. Bill Clemmer ministering to the victims and working to contain the outbreak.

[Note: Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said recently that it is possible

Ohio Business Professionals Endorsed to Serve God in Haiti through International Ministries

Stacy and Tim Reese from Massillon, Ohio, have been endorsed to serve as International Ministries (IM) global servants

Pray for Jeni Pedzinski ministering to young ethnic minority (tribal) women who are at risk for, or survivors of, human trafficking, forced labor and sexual abuse in Thailand.

The New Life Center serves young ethnic minority (tribal) women who are at risk for, or survivors of, human

Pray for Ricardo Mayol-Bracero regional consultant and for the migrants from Honduras in transit through Guatemala and Mexico to the United States.

Here is a reflective note of the Honduran migration in transit through Guatemala and Mexico to the United

Associate Missionary Appointed to Serve in Theological Education in Costa Rica

Ruth Vindas of Santo Tomás, Costa Rica, has been appointed to serve as an International Ministries (IM) associate