International Ministries

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Projects, Journals, & News
Pray for Anita and Rick Gutierrez, training leaders to make a difference in physical and spiritual health in South Africa.

Drs Anita and Rick Gutierrez are both family physicians and are serving as global servants in South Africa. The focus

Pray for Jeni Pedzinski serving young tribal women in Thailand who are at risk for human trafficking.

Jeni serves on the leadership team at the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Established in

Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes preparing to leave for Thailand to serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai.

Alise and Mark will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing. These ministries were established by IM

Maryland couple endorsed to serve God in El Salvador  

The couple will continue their current ministry through Misión Vida y Paz (MVP) (Mission Life and Peace), a registered

Nicaragua – Parenting with Love

This program will decrease the long-term impact of the Nicaraguan crisis on children and their

Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles serving the people and churches of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian