Brian and Lynette are preparing to serve in Haiti in partnership with the Haitian Baptist Convention. Brian will work with local and visiting mission teams in construction and ongoing maintenance projects at the Eye Center, the Christian University of Northern Haiti and the Convention Hospital. Lynette will be teaching God’s love to women, providing instruction in basic hygiene and self-care skills and leading creative art workshops to empower women and children in their gifts of creativity.
They write requesting prayer –
- A big stress for us right now would be to sell our home. The house is empty and has been on the market for 5 months with some showings but no offers yet. This would be a big step for us and would greatly aid in assisting us to prepare for departure and not have to worry about winter maintenance.
- Pray for our travels as we are currently headed from NW Pennsylvania to Western Illinois for a few days and then off to Nebraska for 10 days and then immediately to Altoona PA for the ABCOPAD Conference in Mid October.
- Along with this trip please pray that we can raise the remaining 18% needed to get onto the field.