Posted on March 28, 2023 CASKET EMPTY Project Update
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Training Events

My IM colleague, Kyle Witmer, and I have been coordinating a project to translate the CASKET EMPTY Bible survey curriculum into Thai*. The translation of the New Testament portion of the curriculum was completed last year. The Timeline was printed, and the Study Guide was published as an eBook. Last October, we organized two trainings in collaboration with Dr. David Palmer (the author), and the McGilvary Leadership Institute to train local pastors, seminary professors, and evangelists to implement the curriculum. The trainings reached 130 participants, and God is already using it to transform lives. In fact, on the second day of the second training, the hotel sound technician came out of the sound booth during a coffee break to speak to one of the training participants to inquire about this “Jesus” we were talking about. That afternoon, he prayed and made a decision to become a follower of Jesus. The McGilvary College of Divinity at Payap University also decided to use the curriculum for their New Testament course.

*See my October 1, 2022 journal for a description of the CASKET EMPTY curriculum.

Lahu Tribal Leaders Requested Training

One of the workshop participants who attended the CASKET EMPTY training in October obtained permission to organize the translation of the NT Timeline into Lahu, a language spoken among the Lahu people, one of the hilltribes of the Mekong Subregion. The translation is currently being finalized and the timeline will soon be printed. Then last Sunday, I was invited to meet with a group of Lahu leaders to discuss the possibility of organizing a CASKET EMPTY New Testament training for Lahu pastors, professors, and evangelists.

Old Testament Training Materials Translation in Progress

The translation of the Old Testament Study Guide and Timeline is well underway and the translator expects to finish it this year. We hope to organize another training to accompany the release of the Old Testament materials. If you wish to contribute to this ongoing project to increase Bible literacy, we are still accepting donations at:

Thank you for your friendship, your prayers, and your generous financial support that enable me to continue sharing the love of God in Thailand.