Gifts in your will

You can make
a lasting impact!

Gifts in Your Will


One of the ways to continue to support what’s important in your life today—God’s global mission—is by including a gift through your will. Cross-cultural mission flourishes when we come together in financial partnership and prayer.

When we come together in support of global mission through the work of International Ministries (IM) global servants, God multiplies your impact around the world. You and so many others have helped IM to respond to the call of Jesus Christ to make disciples in all nations since 1814. Just as we have seen for over 200 years, IM is seeing the next generation of missionaries continue to respond to God’s call to mission.

To learn receive sample legal language to include a Charitable Gift in My Will use the button below.

In your will, you have a rare opportunity to continue to help provide ministries like these:

  • Serving immigrants and refugees
  • Advocating for peace and justice
  • Abolishing trafficking in persons and modern-day slavery
  • Promoting education
  • Empowering communities through economic development
  • Transforming lives by improving health and wellness

Your step of faith could help build a school, fund a leadership training course, or provide safe shelter for a woman fleeing violence with her children.

And because of IM’s partnership model, you know that every gift given to IM will be multiplied as the leaders and initiatives you build up today will in turn make disciples of Jesus Christ and produce future local leaders and initiatives tomorrow.


By including a gift to IM in your will, you can play a vital part in discipleship of tomorrow’s leaders in the church around the global. You can help to fund new schools, ministries for women recovering from the trauma of trafficking, and more.

If you love being a part of God’s work today through IM missionaries and wish to help IM continue this mission beyond your lifetime, please join others who have already included IM in their wills. You’ll be helping to ensure that those who follow us are left with the resources that offer them an opportunity we all enjoy today: Sustaining the work God is doing around the world!


Gifts are essential to maintaining the missionary force. They make it possible for missionaries to continue to do what God has laid on their hearts.

[My wife and I decided] to leave a legacy by tithing the resources in our estate, and to make a commitment to share something beyond our own lifetime toward what has been important in our lives all along.


Mrs. Lynn Riggs and Rev. Dr. Lee Riggs

In working closely with individual missionaries over the years, Rev. Riggs witnessed the challenge for missionaries of raising funds for personalized support. This highlighted for him the importance of giving.

The church was the center of our life and my parents were tithers so I always gave too. It seemed basic to me, that if you have been fortunate enough to have been employed all your life, and able to make a living, you would want to share it.

I’m grateful for IM and for the people who go into the mission field. My hope is that my gift will allow them to continue taking the gospel message to the world, especially during these difficult times.


Ms. Glenda McNew

Ms. McNew learned about mission and American Baptist missionaries in her church community. She recalls special offerings, including ones with videos featuring the work of International Ministries (IM).

I have been concerned with mission all of my life and my wife was also a mission-minded person. We prayed for missionaries, hosted them in our homes, and visited and corresponded with many of them. We lived frugally so that we could give to God’s mission and the work of the Lord.

Interacting with missionaries enriched our minds and planted the desire to contribute to mission.

When making plans for my estate, I decided to leave a gift for International Ministries in my will.


Rev. Dr. Wilbert Gough

Rev. Gough hopes that his gift will help more people answer the call to go out as missionaries so that more people can come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. He says that is the most important thing.

By including IM in your will, you can minister to children, youth, and adults around the world. Thank you so much for considering a gift to IM in your will. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Email Donor Services or call us at 610-768-2323 with any questions.