Posted on February 19, 2024 Why participating in this short term mission orientation was special
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Participating in a short-term Mission Orientation for Faye Yarbrough had special significance for me. It all began with an invitation from Faye, one of our esteemed global servants who is an IM Missionary in South Africa, to join a Zoom session orienting a team set to visit my homeland.

My involvement stemmed from a personal connection with Faye, dating back to my days facilitating orientations for newly endorsed global servants in my role as director of Mission Mobilization at International Ministries. Seeing her journey from that initial orientation to her commissioning service, and then being assigned was immensely gratifying. Witnessing Faye’s preparation and eventual departure for missionary service in South Africa, buoyed by the support of her Missionary Partnership Team (MPT), friends, organizations and churches was a testament to the impact of collective investment in God’s mission.

As I shared my experiences at the orientation, I could not help but reflect on my own journey, mirroring Faye’s steps toward global service. Her example serves as a source of inspiration as I prepare to embark on this path as a Global Consultant for Theological Education. I extend an invitation for support and investment in my own mission journey, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to join the ranks of dedicated global servants like Faye in advancing God’s mission worldwide.

Currently I am at 49% of my personal support goal. I am praying that God will use you to be part of this ministry and that I will reach my support goal of 100%.