March 5, 2018 White Cross – Haiti Sewing & Education, Eye Care & Student Infirmary
White Cross Haiti
[pie chart]95%Support Raised
[world map] Iberoamerica and the Caribbean Haiti push-pin Haiti
Education Education
Health and Wellness Health and Wellness
GoalThe goal of this project is to provide supplies needed for the Women’s Ministries, the Cap Haptian eye center and the student infirmary at the Christian University of Northern Haiti.
SummaryThis White Cross project seeks to raise $12,942 annually to support the Haitian Women's Ministries, the Eye Clinic and the Student Infirmary at the University.
DescriptionThe Women’s Ministries of the Haitian Baptist Convention (HBC) equips women by teaching them how to sew and by offering educational and health prevention classes. They also help support the Cap Haitian Eye Center, an important ministry that provides the best quality service to the poor. The center treats cataracts and glaucoma, offers exams and surgery. The Women’s Ministries also helps support the student infirmary at the Christian University of Northern Haiti. Their goal is to have the necessary medical supplies on hand to treat a growing number of students. It is anticipated that these projects will improve the overall lives of those who receive glasses in order to see; children to be able to improve their education; women providing for their families and students keep healthy while attending classes.
Suggested GiftsExample of what your gift could provide. $100 can provide school supplies for children or give a patient eye care for 2-3 months, or treat 25 students at the university infirmary. $250 will buy fabric for sewing lessons for one women’s group. Or it can provide eye care for a patient for a year. $500 will provide clothes, shoes and food to help patients in hospitals and in communities; or pay for cataract surgeries for 4 patients or provide supplies to keep the respiratory treatment center open at the university.
Prayer RequestsPlease pray for the women who are struggling to help their families while they willingly serve the Lord. Please pray for calm and stability in Haiti so the Eye Center can provide glasses, surgery and care to all in need. Please pray that God will lead more students to attend UCNH and that He will provide for all their needs financially, physically and spiritually.
Managed ByKihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga