What is Global Encounter?

The Global Encounter is a multilingual, cross-cultural event that celebrates International Ministries’ 210th anniversary with global servants and partners worldwide. This online format allows people across time zones and cultures to celebrate global mission together.

When is it?

Each Global Encounter session is 90-minutes long. They will be held LIVE online on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm EDT and Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 8:00 am EDT. Recordings of each session will be accessible to registrants within 24 hours.

What to expect?

Global Encounter will engage your heart and mind through shared mission moments with global servants and partners, international worship, interactive games and polls, and more! There is something for everybody at the Global Encounter.

Vibrant mission moments from global servants who will share how God is at work in their ministries around the world. To see who will be joining each session, explore the Meet the Speakers page.

Global worship with choirs from Hungary, Burma, and Lebanon, praise bands from the Dominican Republic and Brazil, and dance teams from the DR Congo and Angola.

Interactive games and polls to test your knowledge of global mission. Use the chat feature to ask questions and download the game sheets!

Watch parties at your home or church. Host a successful watch party with friends, family, small group, or congregation by using the watch party resources, including a cross-cultural recipe book, matching game sheets, and more. Sign up by May 1 to receive a gift box for your party!

Breakout sessions where you can directly connect with global servants and partners after the Global Encounter. Ask questions and get to know global servants and their ministries in a relaxed, informal setting. Explore the breakout session topics and speakers.