Posted on June 30, 2017 Waiting for Answers?
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How long must I wait for an answer to prayer? One year ago and a little bit, February 2016, I began praying daily Matthew 9:37-8 at 9:38 AM. I am praying as Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We need more workers for the Lord in Japan.

This year, June 19, we received Nita and Laura (10) as our newest missionary colleagues in Japan! Nita will teach at Kanto Gakuin University and Laura will start elementary school soon. Also, Nita will be doing campus ministry. Shigemi Tomitahosted a welcome lunch and we met Nita’s long-time friend. Please pray with us for Nita and Laura. Ask the Lord for open doors as they serve Him!

Would you join me in praying for more workers for Japan?

May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

With Thanks and much Love,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang P.S. If you receive this journal as an email, click on the link in the title to see a larger picture!