Posted on October 31, 2022 Typhoon Shūkaku Yasumi (Typhoon Harvest Rest)
Hwangs at Tokorozawa Aviation Museum
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“Typhoon Shūkaku Yasumi” sounds like an interesting Japanese phrase or new typhoon? No, but read on to find out more about the Hwangs this October.

Typhoon Season

Thank you to all who asked about our safety. The super typhoon, Nanmadol, did hit south and central Japan causing damage and power outages. In anticipation of the storm, the guests cancelled their BBQ at Shalom House. Rifu primary school was closed so Lee Ann’s weekly meeting with one mom, was also cancelled. However, by the time the super typhoon reached us, it was downgraded to a tropical storm. We only had a very gentle breeze and sprinkling of rain as it passed over us and headed out to sea!

Because our appointments were cancelled, we travelled to Tokyo a day earlier than planned. We spent some great time with our kids. It was our first time to visit Tokorozawa Aviation Museum.

Hwangs with Mrs. SawanoAfterward, we met Mrs. Sawano, former JBC pastor’s wife, for the first time in several years. She is well, enjoying retirement, and living close to her daughter and family.


Japanese Pear Nashi


We also brought some Rifu pears (aki akari nashi) to Tokyo and shared them! Rifu is famous for juicy, crisp, Asian pears (nashi)! What is better than the sweet crunch of nashi?!! This reminds us of the verse: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8 NIV

Rice harvestAutumn Harvest (Shūkaku)

We are watching the rice being harvested just across the train tracks from our apartment.

It’s cool enough for Lee Ann to get out in the garden again. Please pray for success in her effort to raise plants for the Morigo campsite and her vision for low maintenance landscaping. God provided a friend who will let Lee Ann use her mother’s garden as a nursery. It’s located just a 7 min. walk from our place.

Our friendships are bearing some fruit. In our conversations, the request for “teaching” of various sorts has come up. Lee Ann is hearing that some friends would like parenting help, or help in choosing a spouse, or couples/marriage help. We are reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Mat 9:37-38 NIV Would you continue to pray with us for more workers?

October Summer Break (Natsu Yasumi)

Niigata friend

Due to scheduling difficulties, we could not take our summer break (natsu yasumi) during August or September (too many BBQs). So, when we had a little window (3D2N), we thought of visiting an old friend of Kiyo’s (Lee Ann’s Dad) in Niigata prefecture. Also, Lee Ann’s English tutoring student, invited us to visit in Tokamachi.

Japan Sea

We had a very nice visit with two friends living near the Sea of Japan side of Japan. It was a beautiful drive, and we enjoyed some precious time renewing an old friendship and making a new one.


With Love and Thanks,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang